Keep it Clean!

Now more than ever it is so important to wash your eyewear daily.

Washing in the sink with cool running water and a drop of liquid dish soap will wash away all the life that accumulates on our eyewear as we live in them from day to day.

  • Skin oils and perspiration

  • Make-up

  • Moisturizers

  • Dust and grime

  • and Yes, even Coronavirus!

We suggest washing your eyewear often!

Remember the following:

  1. Cool Water Only

  2. Just a tiny amount of dish soap. (enough to suds in your hands.)

  3. No harsh chemicals, dish soap is the best!

  4. Be gentle. No need to scrub or scrape.

  5. 30 Seconds

  6. Rinse Well

  7. Use a smooth soft cloth, like your Wink cleaning cloth, to wipe them dry.